Thursday, August 2, 2012



Just got back from the annual NAET Symposium.  NAET practitioners from all over the world attended, hailing from Europe, India, Japan, and Australia.  NAET, short for Nambudripads Allergy Elimination Technique, was created by Dr. Devi Nambudripad in 1983.  She used to be allergic to most foods and discovered that a simple accupressure treatment could clear an allergy.  She has trained people in this technique for over 20 years.  Over 12,000 practitioners have learned to do NAET worldwide. Many practitioners at the symposium gave talks on patient cases or how they are using NAET in their practices.  All of us have seen allergic responses such as hayfever and skin conditions completely eliminated by NAET.  However, two doctors had particularly interesting presentations.

One doctor from India uses NAET with HIV positive orphans.  Normally babies born HIV positive suffer from poor growth, chronic illness and repeated infections.  With NAET, Sister Naina has brought the children out of sickness and into wellness.  Despite their HIV status remaining, the children are healthy, grow well, and do not even get the colds and coughs that non-HIV positive children get.  This is without anti-viral medication. What a success!

You can donate to the non-profit organization supporting the treatment of these orphans by clicking the link below:

Children in developed countries are suffering from an different epidemic: autism.  Another presenter gave his report on a scientific study he recently published regarding the treatment of autistic children with NAET.  The study had a treatment group and a control group.  23 out of 29 autistic children treated with NAET recovered enough to be mainstreamed into regular classes at school.  Here is an interview shown on Fox News about that study:

NAET can be used for almost any disease.  Many symptoms we don't consider to be allergic responses stem from sensitivities to foods, chemicals, substances, and even emotions and other people.  The week of the conference, I had been experiencing muscle tightness in my neck on the right side and neck pain.  On day four of my trip, we moved to a hotel for the conference, an accupuncturist in the vendor area that day gave me a treatment in my neck which completely released the muscle tension and resolved the pain.  The same day I also started to use the pens provided by the hotel.  My neck felt better the entire day and into the next.  Halfway through the next day, I lost my hotel pen, which happened to be all plastic, so I reached into my purse for the pen I had been using--a pen with both plastic and metal on the outside.

After taking notes with my pen for about an hour, I began to experience a return of my neck pain.  Also the muscles along the thumb and forefinger were crampy and sore.  Could this be an allergy to the pen?  I had my neighbor, another NAET practioner, test me and sure enough, I was allergic (or sensitive) to the metal on the pen.  I switched back to an all plastic pen and the soreness in my hand as well as the neck pain disappeared.  Now I need to get treated with NAET for sensitivity to metals.  I can't begin to think how many massages, accupuncture treatments or chiropractic visits I may have had if I kept using that pen! It would also be a good idea to check sensitivities to jewelry I wear--perhaps some of my necklaces or earings have been creating neck pain by local contact with the metal to which I'm allergic.

To find out more about NAET, read "Say Goodbye to Illness" by Dr. Nampudripad.  This book is available at our office or on  Or if you're ready to get tested and treated, call our office at 360-573-2273.  For more locations and information, go to    If you are not in the Northwest near either of my offices, go to to find a practitioner in your area.