Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Gene Sequencing

Gene sequencing is the hot topic these days.  Can genes predict disease? Can prediction help prevention of disease?  Would gene sequencing affect couple's reproductive decisions?  Will gene sequencing affect the ability to acquire health insurance and life insurance?

Health insurance and life insurance questions aside, having genetic testing does affect treatment plans here in my office.  Many genetic tests can be done for far less than the $1000 complete gene sequencing which has been the major topic of discussion in the news.

The MTHFR test which tests two genes that affect methylation of folic acid to provide folate to the body has been useful in patients with chronic fatigue, detoxification problems, fibromyalgia, depression, schizophrenia, cardiovascular disease and sensory integration disorders. Folate is needed for the mitochondria of the cells to replicate DNA and RNA.  In addition, it is needed to make ATP for the energy cycle, which fuels the detox cycle and the neurotransmitter and hormone cycles.  The effects of having any or all of these pathways low functioning are many. In addition, this test is vital to anyone who is about to start chemotherapy.  The presence of these genetic mutations can predict unfavorable results (even death) from chemotherapy.  This $150 test can tell you if you carry on or two gene mutations and how likely you are to pass these on to your children.  For more information about the MTHFR genetic mutation, see my post on the topic at

There are more genes associated with detoxification than just the MTHFR genes.  A detox genetic test will provide information about eight different genes affecting the detoxification of aromatic hydrocarbons (exhaust fumes), nicotine, medications, alcohol, and hormones.  Certainly we have general protocols concerning diet and lifestyle that aid in the detox cycle of the body, however, the genetic test can show us where extra help is needed.  Luckily, the extra help is simply targeted supplements and very specific dietary practices.  This test is $448.

One aspect of gene sequencing which of particular interest lately is the possibility that genes, or genetic mutations to be more precise, can cause autism.  For that we have a neurological genetic test that will check seven genes for mutations. These genes affect both methylation and detoxification.  Since autism is a spectrum, this test would be important for anyone with neurological disorders: autism, sensory integration disorder, tics/tourrettes, learning difficulties, carpal tunnel or any other neurologic dysfunction.  This test is $336.

Why do some people get asthma and eczema or autoimmune conditions while others (even in the same family) do not?  The immune genetic test will show SNPs or specific DNA sequences the affect the levels of 6 cytokines which cause inflammation in the body.  When these SNPs are present, a person's body produces much more inflammation than the person standing next to them in the same environment.  Finding out which SNPs are present will determine your propensity to getting chronic viral infections, cancer, asthma and other allergic conditions, and autoimmune disease.  Targeted diet, lifestyle and supplemental regimens (herbal and vitamn/mineral) can reduce the rate at which these SNPs are expressed and the level of inflammation in the body

Have high blood pressure in the family that will just not come down?  Strong family history of cardiovascular disease?  We have a genetic test specifically for genes that affect these conditions. Your genes can tell you what lifestyle factors will be most important for you concerning your heart, what targeted high dose nutrients will be beneficial and whether or not statin drugs or hypertensive medications will even work for you.  This test is by far the most bang for your buck as you get 15 genes tested for $504.  The methylation tests are included in this profile.  Well worth it for anyone with high blood pressure, family history of heart disease or anyone who smokes, drinks alcohol, or people who are about to start taking medication or chemotherapy.

We've all heard by now that all chronic disease is caused by inflammation.  Did you know that 6 genes can determine what type of lifestyle practices and targeted supplementation would be most beneficial for you?  No wonder why  people get different results when taking fish oil or tumeric or many of the other anti-inflammatory helpers in our natural medicine cabinet.  Knowing your genetic makeup makes long term supplement regimens easy.  When you decrease inflammation, you decrease muscle and joint pain, cardiovascular disase, immune system problems, gastrointestinal problems, fatigue and more.  This test is $440 and includes one of the genes for methylation (MTHFR). In addition, it gives current inflammation marker values for hs-CRP, Homocysteine, and fibrinogen.

Getting these tests done is easy for our patients.  To schedule an appointment or find out more about the services offered at our clinic, call 360-573-2273

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