Saturday, September 1, 2012

Latex Allergy and Reaction Triggers

Latex Allergy

Many people know they are sensitive to latex. Others don't know why they get rashes, scaly skin, or itchiness.  This is because some allergic reactions can happen 12 to 36 hours after exposure to latex (or other allergens).  Latex allergies can be:

Symptoms can include redness, itchy skin, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, itchy watery eyes, swelling, itchy throat, swelling of the mouth, tongue or throat, wheezing, chest tightness, trouble breathing, trouble swallowing, vomiting, diarrhea, and sudden pale skin.  The more life threatening symptoms happen right away, giving away the allergy, but the rash and itchiness can occur hours later.  I have also seen tics stimulated by allergy to latex.

People often do not realise they have been exposed to latex.  Common sources of latex exposure are medical gloves, condoms, balloons, Bandaids, rubber balls such as basketballs, athletic shoes, carpeting, rubber bands, disposable diapers, swim goggles, motorcycle and bicycle hand grips, and some soft sided above ground pools.

Not all latex is natural latex. Many latex paints and memory foam mattresses are not natural latex and will not cause an allergic reaction.  However some are.  Some car interiors have latex in the dash covers, floor mats and in carpet backing.

Foods can also stimulate a latex allergic reaction.  Some food proteins cross react with latex antibodies.  Foods with high incidence of causing allergic reactions in latex sensitive people are: bananas, avocado, chestnut and kiwi.  A smaller incidence of this has been noted with apple, carrot, celery, papaya, potato, tomato, and melons.

If your or your child's symptoms seem difficult to predict, it may be a latex allergy with hidden sources of latex exposure as well as cross reactivity to foods which stimulate a latex response.  Luckily, in our office, we can test for allergy to latex as well as to foods.  In addition we can do an allergy treatment (no shots!) to decrease and eliminate the allergy.  Call today! 360-573-2273

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