Thursday, September 20, 2012

Is it a cold or is it mercury exposure?

Mercury.  In a thermometer it looks so benign.  In fact people were so convinced it was benign that kids used to play with the mercury from broken thermometers, rolling the balls of quicksilver in their hands.  But now we know better.

A patient in Colorado contacted me today. She had been sick since having some dental work done.  Even though the symptoms were of a typical bad sore throat and cold, she was convinced that it all started after her dental work a couple of weeks ago.  Her children (who were normally the sources of colds in the family) were not sick and no one had caught a cold from her as well.  She went back to the dentist and they took X-rays to make sure there were no abcesses in the gums.  There were not.  Because she did not have a root canal (she had three fillings done), it was not likely to be an abcess.  More likely was the possibility of mercury exposure. 

"What type of fillings were they?" I asked.  They were white.
"Were they new cavities or replacements for silver fillings?"  One was new, and two were replacements for silver amalgam fillings which the dentist removed that day.
"Did he use a rubbery dam in your mouth to prevent you from swallowing anything during the procedure?"  No, he had not.  She knew what I was talking about because had gone to another dentist before that had used a dental dam on her.
"Was there any type of fan or air suction near your mouth or face at the time of the procedure?" No. There was not.
Then I asked about her cold symptoms.  It had started as a sore throat that came on almost immediately after going to the dentist.  Then her sinuses plugged up with thick mucous. The mucous is excoriating--makes her nose red when she blows her nose.  Classic mercury symptoms.
The homeopathic remedy Mercurius identifies symptoms that can be created from a mercury toxicity, both acute and chronic:
  • colds with thick excoriating mucous
  • sore throat, can feel raw, burning.  
  • When swallowing, feels a stitching pain going to the ears, esp. Right sided
  • lose of voice
  • large tongue (you can see the indents of teeth on the sides of the tongue)
  • sensitivity to hot and cold (human thermometer)
  • bad breath
  • headaches with sinus congestion, feels like a band around the head
  • sneezing
  • nostrils raw, ulcerated
  • earaches, worse at night
  • excessive salivation, drooling
  • gum inflammation including receding, bleeding, and swelling
  • acne that discharges pus and leaves a scar
  • abdominal pains, especially right sided
  • urination: frequent urging to void the bladder
  • pain with urination, at the start of urination, burning in the urethra
  • cough with yellow mucous
  • stitching pains in the lungs
  • weakness and bone pain in the extremities, sensitive to cold
  • tremors
  • slow, lingering fever with night sweats
  • Mental symptoms: hurried to get through tasks, irritable, introverted, closed, precocious, suspicious, impulse to scream, impulse to hit, withdrawn and depressed, suicidal.

You may think the mental emotional symptoms are a stretch, but in actuality, dentists have one of the highest suicide rates of any profession. Scientific studies have looked into this statistic and have seen that rates are still high even when correcting for divorce rates and other variables.  See this scientific study:

The silver amalgam (silver amalgam sounds nicer than mercury amalgam) contains a toxic amount of mercury.      Dentists and dental hygenists have to treat the amalgam filling substance as a toxin: wearing gloves and masks when working with dental amalgam.  Yet they say it is safe to then put into your mouth where it will stay for years!  If you shouldn't touch it at all, how can it be safe to put in your mouth were it will be expose to soft tissues, saliva, the large blood vessels under the tongue, enzymes, acidic foods, hot beverages and more?!  Furthermore, many dentists "polish" old silver fillings when you get your teeth cleaned.  Why do they polish them? to make them nice and shiny again.  Why do they look dark rather than nice and shiny? Because chemical reactions have occurred to the amalgam fillings in your mouth.  That means that the amalgam is not inert, it wants to react with fluids and tissues around it, potentially (and probably) releasing atoms of mercury into your body.  When the dental hygenist polishes your fillings, they are again exposing mercury that wants to react to your tissues.  Always request that the dentist NOT polish your fillings if you have them.

What to do if you do have mercury toxicity:  The patient above was put on a gentle detox protocol that includes vitamins, minerals, and foods that aid the detox pathways in your body, fiber to bind the toxins when they are leaving the body, herbs to support the liver, and homeopathic mercurius pellets for the symptoms of her cold and sore throat.

If the above symptoms are very familiar to you and you are wondering if you have a chronic mercury toxicity, you can get a urine heavy metal test done for $60.  If you are in the Vacounver, WA area, call the office at 360-573-2273 or in Longview and the surrounding area 360-353-3822.  If you are not located in the Northwest, go to to find a naturopathic doctor near you.

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